You’re Enough as You Are

Check out the podcast on this topic here.

I am not God, but here is what I know.

There is nothing you can do or say or achieve to make you more worthy or less worthy. You are undeniably worthy. Your worth is constant.  You are as worthy to do what you want as everyone on this planet. And when you do that thing, and go achieve that thing, you will not be any more worthy than you are today. This person isn’t more worthy than that person. Worth is constant and as guaranteed as the fact that as an adult you will have to eat, crap, pay taxes and someday, die.

I was worthy when I was 20+ pounds heavier and I am worthy today. I was worthy when I was an account coordinator, and I am worthy as a business owner. I was worthy of love when I had a mullet, and I am worthy of love with adult acne.


What about you? When do you think you were worthy? How can you accept the truth that you are enough as you are and that nothing you can do, have and be can disrupt this truth.


The reason I want you to clean up this thought is because it is holding you back. You think that you can’t start this goal or that challenge because you’re not “ready yet.” What you are really saying is that you don’t believe in yourself at this point in time or you don’t believe your desires are worth your time and energy. Usually that stems from a lack of self-confidence that is tied to not feeling enough.


That’s why you over drink.

That’s why you over work.

That’s why you procrastinate.

That’s why you overeat.

That’s why you scroll on social media.


All of these actions are numbing mechanisms to quiet the voice in our heads that we are not enough as we are. What you need to do is start recognizing that your worth is undeniable and you deserve a chance as you are.


A simple way to do this is to recognize how you never challenge the worth of someone you love.


Think of a pet you love, a person you love or your kid. You don’t question their worth. So why do you question yours? Maybe it’s because of what someone said to you, or something that happened to you in the past. Maybe it’s because you keep trying and nothing seems to work. But you must know deeply that your worth is guaranteed as a human. The fact that you are on this planet and alive supports this.


The perfect cleaning solution for your feelings of unworthiness is showing yourself compassion. Stop saying you are a hot mess. Stop listening to the turds from grade school who called you a dogface. Stop saying what you do is not enough. Start treating yourself and speaking to yourself and thinking about yourself as the wonderful miracle of life that you are. Extend the compassion you show for the loves in your life to your most important asset- your beautiful, worthy self.


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