What Clients are saying…

  • Erica was a successful executive leading a large team at a Fortune organization. Despite having multiple promotions and receiving more responsibility, she had a sense of nagging self-doubt that led her to second-guess herself at work. In just 6 weeks in working with me, she was able to drive awareness to her limiting self-concept and, create a more empowering vision of how to show up, down and across her organization and ultimately deliver higher performance in her role. Most importantly, she has walked away with powerful tools to manage difficult personalities at work, master workplace politics, and create her own personal brand of leadership that honors her distinct skill set. She is now preparing to take on even more responsibility has she has gained confidence in her ability to create her own opportunities in her corporate role.

    “I had a share-out with a group of senior leaders and I felt a shift in my confidence in just a few weeks. I am handling situations better than I ever would in the past. Thank you, Liz.”

  • Kate had a proven track record of performance in multiple corporate settings, but a 60-hour work week and a feeling of stagnation led her to come to me for a career refresh.

    In just 4 short sessions, we created a new vision for her career and a future-self vision that enabled greater alignment to the work and life she wanted. Leveraging my networking toolkit, my client expanded her professional audience and ultimately developed a resume and personal pitch that helped her land a new role, making more money, at a company that prioritizes work-life balance.

  • Jennifer was facing a major corporate down-size and wasn’t sure where to turn. She was exhausted over years of convincing management that her department was necessary.

    Liz worked with Jennifer to show that although she faced challenging circumstances, she ultimately had the personal power to create her own opportunity by marketing herself inside and outside the company. Liz also worked with Jennifer to drive awareness to the behaviors that were holding her back in her personal and professional career (like binge drinking) and replace them with more nourishing thoughts and activities.

    Within 3 months, Jennifer started re-casting her whole life vision for her career and health and decided to take a job change with her existing employer that led to more autonomy and less stress. She also re-examined her relationship with alcohol and has cut back drastically.